Frequently Asked Questions

What is Planet Haskell?

Planet Haskell is an aggregator of Haskell people's blogs and other Haskell-related news sites. As of 2013-04-21, content from 203 blogs and other sites is being republished in a common format.

A common misunderstanding about Planet Haskell is that it republishes only Haskell content. That is not its mission. A Planet shows what is happening in the community, what people are thinking about or doing. Thus Planets tend to contain a fair bit of "off-topic" material. Think of it as a feature, not a bug.

What kinds of blogs are eligible?

A syndication feed (RSS or Atom) is eligible to Planet if

and if

Haskell-relevant webcomics and other relevant fictional or entertainment content that pass all the of the above are added provisionally. The provision is that if they start crowding out other content, we may decide to declare all of them ineligible.

Note that we prefer to republish full posts, not excerpts with a read more link.

Note: the above is a guideline used by the Planet administrators, not an offer to provide services.

Addendum: technical issues feeds are often problematic for Planet. Their Atom feeds seem to work best for us.

Who is a Haskell celebrity?

The term "Haskell celebrity" is used here to refer to people who have made significant contributions to the language or the community in the past and who by so doing have earned the lasting respect of Haskellers. They may or may not be currently active in the community.

The bar is quite high. Please don't ask us whether we consider you a Haskell celebrity. Usually (but not always) the blog of a Haskell celebrity is added through our invitation.

How do I get a blog added?

To get a blog added, send email to containing the URL of the RSS or Atom feed you want us to use, and provide evidence that the blog author consents to this (easiest is to get the author send the email, but any credible method suffices).

Explicit author consent is not necessary if the blog is clearly licensed under a Creative Commons or other license allowing unrestricted noncommercial republication. Even in these cases, however, it is common courtesy to talk to the author first.

We will process a request within a couple of days. Occasionally, we might be slower due to vacations or other reasons; expect delays particularly in July. If your request has not been acted upon within a week and it's not July, please query us.

Note that if it isn't obvious that the person giving their consent is the author (or their legal representative), then the consent is generally useless to us. It isn't enough that the person claims to be the author: anybody can make such a claim. We usually look around the blog to find the author's name or email address; it is best if this information is clearly displayed in the blog. If the author prefers to remain pseudonymous, it is often simplest to incorporate the permission notice in the blog itself, as a blog post or equivalent. In some situations, other evidence that the person mailing us is the author is available; for example, if the blog has its own domain, mailing us using a reply-to address in that domain is good enough.

Should I use my full feed or a Haskell-only feed?

It depends. If you are a Haskell celebrity or otherwise well-known to Haskellers, by all means let us have all your posts! If you are not, but you post Haskell-related stuff frequently, it is also quite okay to give us the general feed. However, if you post Haskell stuff only rarely, and it is likely that people in the Haskell community do not know who you are, it's probably better to use the Haskell-only feed with the Planet.

What is your policy on political and religious content?

Politics and religion are a part of life and thus it is a part of what happens to the people in the community. In general, then, we're tolerant about political and religious content. Of course, the general advice about choosing between full feeds and Haskell-only feeds above applies even here.

However, politics and religion can be quite inflammable subjects. We don't mind if people write about their personal convictions or even advocate their positions, but we will not have a flamewar in the Planet. In such cases, we are quite prepared to temporarily remove all offenders from Planet.

We will also not be amused if you try to game these rules in any way.

How will you label my blog?

It is our preference to label feeds with the name of the author. If the author has a well-known alias (for example an IRC nick), we often add it to the name in parentheses. If this is not what you want, tell us in the addition request! If the blog is a company blog, or a project blog, tell us, and we will use the name of the project or company as the label. If the author wants to remain completely pseudonymous, tell us (we will then use the pseudonym, in quotes if it would otherwise be confusing, as the blog label). However, we will NOT use the name of the blog as the label (unless it's one of the above).

How can I get a blog removed?

If you are the author, just send email to and provide evidence that you are the author. Your removal request will be processed without unnecessary delay.

If you believe one of the blog posts currently displayed by Planet is infringing on your copyright, please try to resolve the matter with the author of the blog in question. Getting the post to go away from Planet may require us to manually edit Planet's post cache, so please CC in your correspondence with the author.

We will honor a take-down request emailed to by a copyright holder or their authorized representative that identifies the specific posts or (in exceptional cases) feeds that are alleged to infringe the requester's copyright, as well as the original works so infringed, and clearly states what legal and factual basis the infrigment allegation rests on. Such requests must also include working contact information for the copyright holder or their authorized representative. We will share this information with the blog author, unless there is good reason not to do so.

In other cases, it is usually a good idea to discuss your problem with a blog with the blog's author first. However, you may ask us to remove a blog by emailing Please clearly state in your mail why you believe the blog should be removed, and whether you have discussed the matter with the author (and if so, please summarise their position). We will usually disclose such emails, including the sender's identity, to the blog author, unless the email explicitly and prominently prohibits this. We reserve the right not to act upon removal requests that contain such prohibitions.

Note that any changes made to Planet will take a while to propagate to the CDN mirrors Planet uses, so no deletions will be instantaneous.

What software does Planet use?

Currently Planet Haskell runs Planet Venus as distributed by Ubuntu under the version string 0~bzr116-1.

Who runs Planet?

The Planet is currently administered by Amin Bandali.

Yes, I am aware that the use of "we" when there's only one administrator might seem a bit pretentious, with a touch of the "royal we". However, I do not want to be doing a massive edit if and when we add new administrators — and in any case, it's the office that speaks, not I.

Don Stewart and Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho participated in Planet administration for many years. Thank you, Don and Antti-Juhani.